Thursday, January 12, 2012

This week....

This week was Derek's first week back to school, for his second semester. (By the way, he made 2 A's last semester!!) To kick off the semester Lainey and I cooked a very special meal for him to enjoy on Tuesday night. We had stuffed bell peppers, deviled eggs, home made rolls, and rice crispy treats....some of his favorite foods. Lainey helped me out a lot in the kitchen preparing the meal that day.
We also played in the "art studio" this week playing with our new water color paint, crayons, stickers, glue, and glitter. If you're really really special you will see the fruits of our labor around Valentine's Day. If not, don't feel bad... mom could only keep Lainey entertained for about 4 different cards...
Today we went to a play date at the Richardson's house. While we were there, and since it snowed last night we read the book The Snowy Day, and made tortilla snowflakes.
Here are a few pictures from today:
Our first Oklahoma Snow:
Our snowflakes:
Each snowflake is uniquely made, and special. No two are alike... just as God has created each one of us.

1 comment:

  1. I love the tortilla snowflakes-too cute...what a good mommy you are Ang!
    Wow! Lainey is getting so big! I can't wait to come see you guys this Spring...let me know when a good time would be and we'll start planning the trip. And when is Scasta baby #2 due? Did you find out if you are having a boy or girl? I know this box says to post a comment, not 20 questions, so that's it, for now! Oh, by the way, this is Wendy-I don't have any of the profile things it asked me for.
