We started out with one of my Doctor appointments. L hasn't really gotten to go into the room with me and meet my doctor. So, I wanted them to meet... but also since she's so fascinated with playing "doctor" with her bear/dolls, I thought she would enjoy seeing the doctor care for me. I was right... L loved watching them take my blood pressure, use their stethoscope, and listen to the heartbeat. Which L will tell you says "beep-beep, beep-beep."
We then went to Build A Bear Workshop, and let her build a bear for her baby sister. She wasn't too sure about putting the stuffing in the bear, but she loved picking out the clothes. So many choices. We also let her pick out an outfit for her bear. 
We then let her pick out & buy an outfit for her baby sister. (not at Build a Bear)
Downtown OKC, is a beautiful botanical garden & park. http://www.myriadgardens.com/index.html Even though everything isn't green & in bloom, it's still beautiful. The weather was perfect and we spent time there having a picnic, playing in the "children's garden," and going inside what they call they Crystal Bridge. L was pretty taken with the butterflies inside, and we enjoyed looking at all the variety of plants. This first picture is of L trying to catch a butterfly. 

After running a few "city errands" we went to POPS Soda Ranch. Located on Route 66, this place boasts of 500+ different flavors of Pop. http://route66.com/51.0.html It was a great finish to a Big Sister Day. As fun as it was to think about, D and I are creatures of habit and ended up just ordering Dublin Dr. Pepper. And as much as I tried to convince L to pick out something Orange, or Pink, or Purple, or Green... her own Soda, for the first time ever...all she wanted was milk. The food was great, and playing outside was lots of fun too. 
The Pop Bottle on Route 66, is of course... 66 ft tall. It's lit up at night, but we didn't get to see it.
If I haven't said it already, L is going to be a great Big Sister. She has the sweetest heart for babies. I can hardly keep her out of Baby Naomi & Baby Finn's face when we visit with them. She is constantly changing diapers, singing, feeding, rocking, and putting her bear/dolls night-night. Today she was quiet, so I went to find her and she was sitting in her room with my old cabbage patch doll. I said, "L what are you doing?" and she told me... "She was crying, so I'm singing to her."
Lainey's long, blonde hair is gorgeous!