Monday, February 13, 2012

Daddy Daughter Dates

D is an awesome dad. We all know that. One particular way that he is super helpful to me is to be completely available to watch L if I have a TShirt job to do. In the fall he would load us girls up in the truck very very early, pull the TShirt trailer to our location (usually 2 hrs away), help me set up our display/trailer, and then take L out for a 12 hour "Daddy Daughter Date."
They would go explore the town that we were in, and find things to do. She'd nap in the truck while D did homework, and they'd go out to eat one meal of the day. Near the end of the night, they'd show back up at my work site and watch the Finals Show, then help me break down my display and pack up my trailer. It was a long day for all of us, but could not have been done without D's help with L.
We make a big deal about Daddy Daughter Dates so that the focus is turned to L and not Mommy being gone.
Recently, I had a short job in town. Here are a few pictures of what they did while I worked at our high school for a few hours.
We have an awesome (small) Children's Museum call the WONDERtorium, which we have an annual pass for... so this a cheap way to entertain L while still spending some quality one on one time with her.
And this particular day, they decided to take a few quarters and Dustie to go shopping. L gets to pick out "special cookie treats" for Dustie and see all the other animals at Petco. She LOVES doing this with D. And of course, so does Dustie.


  1. So sweet!! She's going to grow up knowing how a girl should be treated by a man. Love it! So what is this t-shirt business you have??

  2. I am so proud of my son! He is one of the kindest people I think I've ever met.
